Wow the Ultra blend what a life changer. I have stage 5 Endometriosis and I have chronic illness, suffering from endo belly flair ups. This has changed my life, it helps me feel grounded, happy in myself. I’m finally loosing weight and feeling good. Less joint pains, my brain doesn’t feel foggy best thing ever for pain. I’m off my pain medication now and just on the Ultra blend oil. So happy life is amazing
After calling Julie & Chris for advice, I ordered Ultra for my 12yo who would wake and call out every night and struggled to get back to sleep even though she had little trouble going to sleep at bedtime initially. Nothing we tried previously had any impact at all. Even Melatonin had no effect in helping sleep through. From first week using 4 drops twice a day (large for her age) she broke her personal best of sleeping through which was only 2 nights in a row. After 2 weeks she slept through nearly every night and we haven’t looked back since. Have now Subscribed to Auto top up. It has also noticeably taken the edge of her anxiety and overthinking minor concerns. Life saver for us.
Sleep blend(Sleep In A Bottle) gets 10 outa 10 from me.
I started taking BCP oil about a year ago which I purchased from Canna Oils. It’s now a permanent part of my daily routine to take a small dose morning and night of about 7 drops each dose (I don’t measure it) This coupled with 30 minutes of walking each day and better lifestyle choices has seen a big change in my life. I sleep better, I no longer have high blood pressure and I no longer take medication for either. Delivery from Canna Oils is always quick. The oil is far less expensive than the CBD oil I used to take. I recommend trying it
I’m not sure how or why but after 8 years of waking numerous times throughout the night with carpal tunnel pain, numbness, pins and needles .. It has disappeared!. I take ultra blend and sleep in a bottle and it has been a miracle to me . The first night I slept through without waking with numb hands and pain, I was disbelieving then night after night no pain, . I feel other areas of my body improving each day, yes I have a bad back and it can still get a bit achy but I can only suggest people give Canna oils a try . I’m so happy I came upon the stall at Speers Point 🙂 FG
I’ve been taking canna ultra for the past two months. It has helped me with my chronic neck pain and arthritis. Thank you so much! Julie and Chris. From Faye S
I have been taking Ultra for nearly two years now and love it. I had a break off it about 3 mths ago and it was noticeable being off it with my Rheumatpid arthritis and nerve pain issues. I have jumped back on it again a fortnight ago and am back to feeling my best again, so I have learnt my lesson, stay on it because it works! Fantastic product and genuinely recommend for people with pain conditions to help them sleep. A+++
The ultra was fantastic and worked well for my post chemo issues. Would absolutely recommend trying!
Canna Oils sleep tincture (Sleep In A Bottle) has been helping me fall asleep faster over the last month I’ve been using it, and sleep more deeply – both challenges I’ve had since insomnia came when I developed chronic fatigue a few years ago. Canna oilLus has meant I can cut down on the myriad of other sleep supplements and take just a few drops that taste quite good relatively under the tongue. Very easy and inoffensive 🙂
Recently bought the Ultra BCP and Bodease Balm and it works like magic. I have been having severe back aches and irregular sleep patterns for months now, and the products helped me way more than I expected. Absolutely amazing!
This is such a wonderful and affordable product that works even better than I thought. I use it for chronic pain, stress relief and insomnia with great results. Thank you so much.
I was skeptical, but it’s true! Canna Oil has relieved my bursitis pain in my hip. 4 drops under my tongue morning and night. Easy peasy. Taste could be improved is the only fault I can find.
Amazing product I can’t survive without it I been taking since end of January I suffer Rheumatoid arthritis with out this product I would be in so much pain this product has helped me in so many ways I don’t wake up every single day with pain now
I can do daily activities now be out in the cold and enjoy my daily activities now
I have told so many people about this product and they are now taking it
I highly recommend this product
To be honest I wasn’t expecting it to work as well as it did. After a long day at AG Fest Tasmania I got back to the hotel and decided to rub some on my back and feet. The results amazed me and I’ll be using it again tonight
Used for a couple of years. It works!
I first discovered Canna Oils at the BURRAWANG Easter market in 2023. Now, a year later, I’m a firm believer in the power of BCP to help with my lifelong sleep issues. I can now sleep soundly 8-9 hours every night and the increased energy during the day has helped me enormously. As a business the customer service is exceptional and I’d highly recommend everyone try Canna oils for whatever ails them!
Purchased recently at Junction markets, it’s helped me slightly taking the edge off my back pain I will be buying again in the future.
Including a few drops of canna-oil into my daily routine helps me manage my lower back pain. I am generally healthier and can exercise more, be more productive and pack more into my day. It also improves the quality of my sleep giving me more energy.
Very effective bcp oil that both me and my partner have enjoyed over the months since last mind body spirit festival, we absolutely adore this oil and it works instantly!
I have been a customer and buying the
for sometime now and live by it, it does work.
I have suffered from shingles for a period of 10 + years and in the most extreme case in my mouth. It works wonders… 1 full eye drop in the morning under the tongue for 3 mins and then I swoosh in the mouth and swallow. Of a night I brush my teeth and don’t rinse leaving the fluoride circulating. The combination is not pleasant however it does work and help me.
Also I use it for another condition of an intestine bacteria bug, that appears when I come in contact with MOULD. Living as a child in bedroom has held areas of mould.
amazing product 😊
My parents in-law suffer from many health problems and were skeptical to try Canna-oil at first, but fell in love with it. It relieved their chronic pain within 2 hours and gave them the most restful sleep they’ve had in years. It works wonders for their sciatica and degenerative backs!
I also tried the topical ointment on my old knee dislocation and could walk free of pain and pinches. I couldn’t recommend this stuff enough and the people who sell it, are lovely too!
The product is truly amazing. After 5 days of use I feel a lot better. I had lower back pains due to stenosis, but after ingesting it and rubbing it in topically, I feel 80% better.
The canna oil formulae is excellent. It helps me sleep soundly and deeply! My mum tried it and found while it helped with her anxiety once, it was uncomfortable on her digestive track and caused he some discomfort.
I also purchased the magic cream for my dermatitis, but sadly this had no effect for my case. The owner was very helpful, polite and friendly. I’ll definitely get more of the oil!
I have arthritis in my back and hips, i was given a bottle of Canna oil to try and was very skeptical at first, but I can say when I take the Canna oil , I’m not in any pain and feel I sleep so much better……
Canna oils you have really helped me ! I have three bulging disk in my back and three in my neck I had Sciatic pain for six months down one side then it changed to the other side, for three months and then started taking the oil it took maybe around 3weeks and then I realised the sciatic pain had gone so no waking up 6 times a night I also use the cream on arthritis in my fingers and neck works a treat so happy I found this so thank you thank you
Lorraine ❤️
It’s my 2nd 30ml bottle of Canna Oil and it has really helped with my osteoarthritis in my knee and sleeping right through of a night. Would highly recommend it.
Well. Where does one start with this amazing product?!
I’ve been using Canna Oils for almost a year now.
I started with the Ultra Blend only. 6/8 drops under the tongue before bedtime. Then that went so well, I decided as an experiment for me…using both the Ultra as well as the blend.
Played around with both products a bit and now I prefer to use the Ultra in the morning, as I find it helps me with energy and concentration. Seems to set me up for the day. About 3/4 drops enough for me underneath the tongue, then the Ultra Blend at night…Great for my joints, relaxation and just an overall soothing tonic.
I usually in winter suffer quite badly with arthritic pain, and it certainly has alleviated these symptoms. My movement and energy levels are much improved.
Being over 60, always active as well as a yoga buff, I highly recommend Canna Oils as a natural, healthy way to stay there. Vitality is one of the keys to a good life.😊
Thank you so much to the team at Canna Oils.🙌😍✨🙏
I usually run between 50-80km in a normal week. I was struggling with hip pain and inflammation while training for a 100km ultra marathon. The BCP ultra oil was a huge help and decreased the pain and inflammation and made both running and physical work much more comfortable as my body felt better with less soreness. I have also noticed mental health benefits from the oil for myself and I also give a few drops under the tongue to my children before anything that causes anxiety. Great product, will buy more.
Highly recommend Julie and the team from Canna-oils. Always very helpful. Ive been trying the Ultra drops for a number of months. And recently been trying the balm. The Ultra drops ive found to have a calming effect on me. The balm has been amazing in assisting me with reducing pain. I have also started to loose weight since being on the Ultra drops. Over the initial weeks of starting the drops I noticed I no longer had a puffy face. I will be continuing with the Ultra drops and the balm. Thank you Canna-oils.
I enjoy running (around 35k per week on average), but suffer from chronic pain from achilles tendinopathy and medial meniscus tears in my knee. The knee pain usually comes on in the middle of the night – trashing sleep! Cortisone injections and prescription painkillers have not worked. Have been using the Ultra BCP oil for two weeks now and have experienced great results with several nights of uninterrupted sleep, much less achilles pain in the mornings and a general improvement in post run recovery (ie less muscle soreness). 2 x 8 drops per day. Pretty happy!!!
I have found that since I have been taking Canna-oils I have been less stressed and I am sleeping better
Amazing product.
My anxiety has been so much better and under control since using this healing oil .
I highly recommend this
great product
I bought this at a festival in Melbourne I’ve used CBD and hemp oils before but I noticed the immediate effects of the Canna oil
I bought one from Chris and Julie at the Tuncurry Markets. They were really helpful with information. I have been using it for just over a month, I have noticed a calming effect mostly. I recommend you try it.
Applying topically is excellent and pain relief occurs within minutes. Taking orally is unpleasant, at best. I’m not sure how that could be improved.
Very fast delivery…
Thank you so much for this product I bought it at Singleton a few months back an I absolutely love this product, I bought it to try an ease my endometriosis an adenomyosis pain which I could not get under control from any pain killers but this is absolutely incredible. 6 drops under my tongue as well as circular motions all over My abdomen is my new way to be pain free
This has become a lifesaver, I can actually move a bit better then before. I mean it’s not a cure but it takes the edge off.
I have been taking canna oil for a few months now and I must say the best thing I did. I’m going to need to get a bigger bottle soon as I’m nearly finished what I’ve gotten.
I’ve noticed I can actually still move after a 9 hour shift on my feet. Since my back injury everything I tried just never touched the surface of it.
I can sleep so much better, my energy levels are so much higher, my depression isn’t as bad as it used to be, I don’t have the I can’t be armed doing anything moods as often.
Great product and service highly recommended
It’s been amazing, iron level has gone up and blood counts are great.
Hi, I have been using Canna oil now some quiet a few months and it has helped me with lots of things including depression, pain, has given me more energy and that feeling of I couldn’t be bothered has got better also my sleep has improved. I think everyone should be using it.
I found no improvement in my general well being
I have found Canna oils to be fantastic. It has helped with my osteoarthritis and my sleep. I recommend this product
I suffer from anxiety and have panic attacks, since i started taking the oil my anxiety doesn’t get as bad.
I’ve used this for three months now, my arthritis responded very well, I found that it took a couple of weeks to kick in and really make a difference, I’ve stopped using it for the last two weeks and the arthritis has returned with a vengeance.
I also use it on an 11 year old autistic child with ADHD, I massage 3 drops into his back and one drop on the sole of each foot at night before bed and even his teachers have noticed the difference in his behaviour and attention, he doesn’t seem to have major issues with routine changes as much while I’m using the product on him, again I’ve not used it on him for the last two weeks and you can see some of the past behaviours creeping back in, mainly the anxiety issues with routine changes.
I hope to pick up another bottle at the markets soon and start the process again and monitor the situation for both of us.
Many thanks
I’m very pleased with Canna Oils.
My insomnia has markedly improved and haven’t had to take other medications as I get 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep now where I was lucky to get 3 hours previously. Also I wake up without feeling groggy.
I recommend Canna Oils very highly
Thanks to the team at Canna Oils, I discovered your product at Nelson Bay markets over the Holiday season and talked about your product.
I suffer with an osteoarthritic degenerative condition in my hands from 35 years building work, particularly in the thumb joints.
I thought I’d give your product ago, as I had nothing to lose, and wanted to try something different other than heavy anti-inflammatories. As mentioned, it took about two weeks to get into my system and I could notice a big difference in the third week and by the fourth week virtually feeling pain-free and indeed miraculous as I’ve tried other medication for over three years. I have been giving your product a shout out to other tradie mates with similar issues and let’s see how they go. Thanks so much.
My wife has a medical problem with excessive cranial fluid it is drained via a shunt embedded in the side of her skull near her right ear it causes constant migraines and she is normally on heavy pain relief but on using the oil it has been 2 + months since needing heavy pain relief so we wish that this a good sign going forward
I’ve been using canna oil for about a month now after breaking my ankle a few months ago. It seems to be helping with the swelling and in general I don’t feel as anxious. I’m also sleeping much better than I have in years. Many thanks for this great product.
I recently purchased online, because I wanted to try something different and natural instead of Lyrica for my ongoing pain and health issues. Both my hips have osteoarthritis , DDD in my back, and mild arthritis in my knees. So on a daily basis I struggled with pain walking and doing simple tasks. Within the first couple of days from taking the Ultra oil, I noticed my knee and hip pain decrease and have greatly made a difference, wheres there is no pain now. My sleep has been better and I feel like my normal self again, and not having to feel anxious of my day, because of my pain management, will continue to order another. I’m glad i stumbled across this while researching for something better, and I found it.
After 2 back surgeries this is the only natural, non habit forming product that works for my nerve pain.
Arthritis in both knees have tried many remedies but the Canna oils ultra has relieved my pain greatly and able to walk better not limping.
I have to admit I’m so happy with this product. After a short time of starting to take it my arthritis pain in my jaw has gone … and the pain in my hip is significantly reduced and getting better each week. Thank you so much for your product.
Good morning, I purchased your oil at Port Macquarie markets on the weekend and I’m so glad I did. It has truly changed my life. I was in agony that morning and not looking forward to my day. I took the oil once i got home and within half an hour I was pain free for the first time in a long time. I have already recommended to so many people. It’s truly amazing and I will be forever grateful for you bringing this oil to my attention. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s a life changer 🙂
I’ve had arthritis pain in my jaw since the age of 18 … now in my early 50’s. nothing has ever helped besides strong pain relief which I was never comfortable with long term. After only a few weeks of taking Canna oil, I can’t believe I haven’t experienced any pain since. In addition the pain in my hips is significantly reduced and getting better each week … I now can enjoy long walks again. Im so happy with this product and glad I took the leap of faith and gave it a go. Thank you so much. Emma
With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I decided to give BCP oil a go for anxiety and pain. While on the pain front it’s been difficult to say (I’ve been in increasing pain and the only way to know whether BCP has been helpful would be to stop it and do a comparison, no thanks!), I have definitely noticed a difference in my anxiety! In a few words I feel overall “more chill”; I still have a lot of anxiety but it’s no longer a constant, daily struggle – there are actually times when I don’t feel anxious at all, and that’s incredible! I’m glad I gave it a try and will likely stick with it purely for this “chillness”, and I would definitely recommend it to others – it could be doing a lot more for me than I realise, and I look forward to seeing how I go once I start treating the cause of my pain instead of just the symptoms.
We are loving the Canna Oil!
I suffer sinus and pollen allergies which I have always struggled with, now with Canna Oil I’m experiencing pure relief. I’m also on an anti cancer meds following breast cancer which until now has affected my health (fatigue, pain, hot flushes, trouble sleeping etc) All of these symptoms has lessened dramatically and sleep is healthy. I also feel my body is finally detoxing from all the chemotherapy and radiation. Coupled with a healthy diet Canna Oil is fantastic.
My husband suffer chronic joint pain and he is now bouncing around like a spring chicken!
I am more than happy to recommend Canna Oil, so happy with it.
I was dealing with terrible PMS. Bought this on a bit of a whim at the markets and i cant believe the difference its made. I started just taking 5 drops then increase to 9/10 drops for a week when i need to and back down to 5 drops again. Love this product
very happy with, help with my problems
I have been using the Canna-Oils Ultra for less than a week and already have amazing results. I have arthritis in both knees and looking at knee replacement surgery in the near future. Until using Canna-oils I was in pain constantly and had restricted movement. I am now virtually pain free and have resumed walking and other activities. If you’ve been thinking about trying Canna-oils give it a go and hopefully you get amazing results like I have
My wife has only been using it for a week but she is already having much less migraines than previously
if this continues we will be truly thankful for using this product only time will tell
My husband and I have been taking this everyday for the last month.
its helping so much for my adhd symptoms and insomnia, chronic pain ive had and my hubbys arthritis and sleep.
also I gave some to my grandson for his adhd and odd and he slept all night without waking up screeching at 330 in the morning. He slept till 630 quietly!!! Massive difference!! The whole fam is happy!! 😊
This oil has been a god send for my husband who of course was skeptical but decided had nothing to lose and gave it a shot! Leg, knee and joint pain all but gone, his since bought more and even referred it to a mate who had similar issues – so glad we found this product and would highly recommend it.
“Life changing product. I’ve been on antidepressants for 14 years after suffering post partum depression. Having recovered and not needing them anymore the withdrawals horrific. I’d given up all hope of ever weaning off them when I discovered canna oils at the markets. Within 24 hours the withdrawals stopped completely and after three weeks I’m back to my old self. I would recommend canna oils to anyone and everyone.”
Have only been using canna oils for 4 days feeling less stressful will see how our am in another week or so with my other pains and aches
Seems to be effective for reducing low grade joint ,& muscle pain taken twice a day, and improving sleep as a result.
Canna Oil has been a real breakthrough for me after a decade of broken sleep and nightmares. Its made a big difference in my working life and day to day function and I’ve only been using it for 2 months now.
Thanks Canna Oil love your product!
Fast delivery great product highly recommended
Canna Oils “Ultra” is amazing! I suffered agonising shoulder pain due to bursitis, then frozen shoulder followed. Within days of starting the oil, the pain had gone. I know it works because I stopped treatment 3 weeks later to go into hospital, and within a week, the pain was back. I no longer need to take other pain relief medication, Canna Oils Ultra works!!! Take it morning and night. I also truely believe it has supported my immune system. I have young children who love to pass on their colds to me. For the first time in I don’t remember, I survived this winter without any sickness, despite my husband and the kids catching the flu. I swear by it! Don’t hesitate, give it a go! It’s been life changing for me. Thank you
Canna Oils BCP oil can only be described as miraculous. I’ve been taking anti-depressants for over 10 years with a number of unsuccessful attempts to come off them. I started using BCP oil in May, and at the same time started reducing my anti-depressant dosage (with my GPs advice and support). By July I had halved my meds with zero side effects and still reducing further. I could be totally off them by the end of the year! I feel calm, focused and in control and never get stressed even when things are happening that would normally stress me. I train at the gym regularly and have no aches, pains or soreness. My sleep is great and I’ve generally never felt physically or mentally better in my life.
I recently bought Canna oils Ultra at MB&S Festival. I have permanent ABI, Chronic PTSD, anxiety since my car accident in 2002 never a full night maybe couple hours at best. 1st night I slept the whole night, I can’t believe it been two weeks of 6-8hrs sleep each night and my body is truly relax too. Amazing product I’ve already recommend to family, friends and colleagues. Thank you so much for no more restless nights and feeling more relax. 1000 Thx🙏
This product is absolutely incredible. It helps me sleep. It helps me stay focused and most of all makes me feel relaxed overall. Love it and tell everyone about it. Everyone should feel this good. Cathy.
When I first started taking the Canna oil it caused heart burn at night, but after persevering it stopped.
After my hip replacements and spinal operations a couple of years ago, I was left with a lot of pain, especially at night, that woke me up nearly every hour. Now I put a few drops of Canna oil on the painful areas before bed, which reduces the pain and I don’t wake up so frequently anymore.
I am very happy with this product.
Before taking this twice daily, I was stressed out and not sleeping well. Cranky and easily irritable. Having taken this now for a few weeks, I definitely feel I’m coping better. Great to be able to take a natural product to help increase my mood, make me feel generally happier and sleep better.
My wife had tried this oil to help with her Burning Mouth Syndrome. It has helped the burning at night and had improved her pain through the day. It is her first bottle and she is about to start on her second hopefully even better results!!
Ordered the Canna Oils Ultra (non-blend). Helps immensely with restful sleep as well as mild pain relief from previous knee and pelvic injuries. Made from either pepper or clove extract, this won’t trigger any drug screening tests that I’m required for my employment.
I found Canna oils at my local market and decided to give it a try after hearing rave reviews by friends of similar CBD oils. I’ve been taking anti-depressants for over 10 years, suffer from aches and pains related to exercise and when I get stressed I can get severe depression. Weeks after taking BCP oil, I started reducing my medication (on GP advice) and found that, with the BCP oil, I’ve now halved my anti-depressant dose with zero side effects. I had tried this a year ago and had bad side effects so raised my dose again. My general well-being has improved, I feel calm, can manage everything with ease, have no aches and pains and just feel, I guess you’d call it ‘happy’ and at peace. Highly recommended.
This product has been amazingly helpful for my lower back pain. So much so that I’ve been able to get a good nights sleep finally
I’ve been taking the oil for a couple of months now after AML and a bone marrow transplant i have lived with pain , my pain has improved and my well -being has improved greatly, thank you Canna-Oil
I am 52 yr old female, I started using Canna-oil Ultra after I got Covid in late March. Weeks later, I still had brain fog, lethargy, shortness of breathe and a cough. Realised that as Covid symptoms inflammation based that Canna-oil’s terpenes may help alleviate some of was worth a try as I was told by Drs that I had to ‘ride out’ the covid symptoms and give it time!
4 days are commencing Canna-oil most of the symptoms were gone. Cough disappeared after 5-6days. I continued the canna-oil taking 4 drops twice a day and month later realised the back pain that I had from a car accident had also eased and I had alot more energy to do things. On a recent overseas trip, I did a 25km bike ride and hikes, drive long trips and had way more energy then I’ve had in several years.
Also now if I get sore muscles from working out or long work days at computer, I take a dose and also rub small amount on the muscle and by next day it has eased.
Wanted to write this review as I now recommend Canna-oil to anyone I speak to that has lingering Covid symptoms and other long term issues. This is just my journey with Canna-oil, however I feel it was definitely far better then riding out the covid symptoms and it improved so many other areas of my life..and wasn’t pharmaceuticals.
Sleeping much better 😊
My sleep has been transformed with Canna Oil. I have had insomnia on and off for a long time and it is almost completely gone. I don’t even need to top up the oil during the night. If I wake, I just resettle – so amazing. Thanks 😊
I started taking Ultra a couple of months ago after meeting the team at the Lake Macquarie markets. I’ve found that my stress levels have dropped, I’m sleeping better and my general mood and anxiety levels are much more stable so I’ll definitely be buying again.
Just wanted to finally leave a review about BCP oil as it is very much life-changing! I first took it for shingles late last year, tried everything with limited affect and I was getting the worst neuropathic pain in heart and back for two months.. BCP made it stop within two days of application internally and topically! Then I fell pregnant at the end of shingles and BCP has been a Godsend for me; providing pain relief for headaches, jaw pain, pain from swelling ankles.. I know its safe and for pregnancy there is virtually nothing you can take safely for pain. I can’t recommend it enough and it would be the most important thing I would pack in my bag going anywhere and keep stocked up at home. Thank you for saving me big time over the last year! All the best Zoe
Such an amazing product!! Initially purchased for my daughter who is now sleeping soundly, and currently being used by the whole family for sleep, pain and inflammation, and anxiety. Thanks canna oils!
I have Migraines and for past 43 years the only thing that has worked to help get through them was codeine. Recent changes to legislation mean that is no longer readily available and on a recent trip to family my sister in law, a registered nurse, told to try the oil.
Having tried every medication over the years I was sceptical but followed the instructions, 6 drops under the tongue etc, and it tasted like straw to me.
I then went to have a sleep, no codeine was taken, and I woke up without a migraine feeling refreshed and so much better.
Visited the website with an interest in cost, supply and usage and it is easy to understand, easy to follow and has different purchase options to suit most budgets.
I am very cautious about using anything associated with hemp because of my work and testing. This works, is allowed and legal with great results in my own personal pain management.
Our Australian kelpie has Epilepsy and he has been on Canna-oil for three months and only had one seizure.
Can’t live without canna oils has done wonders for my back pain and better quality of sleep.
I tried some time ago but gave up after a short while. After having Covid I tried the Ultra again and have been much more serious and diligent about it, increasing gradually to 10 dr0ps. It has helped greatly in the after effects of covid especially the tiredness.
A definite improvement in mood and sleeping. Still adjusting dose to target inflammation of joints
Awesome product for human and puppy anxiety. Also great at relieving my backpain within a few minutes
A fantastic natural product. This product has helped relieve me of stress and anxiety. It also helps with my joint pain and inflammation. I will be subscribing to this product it is working wonders.
I’ve been using this oil for quite a number of months and can’t be without it. We have encouraged most of our family to use it for various reasons as well. I have received instant relief of inflammation of an old injury and my husband for Bursitis. I can thoroughly recommend this product to anyone seeking fast relief for many ailments!
I’ve been using Canna oils for a couple of months and noticed I feel less stress, pain and inflammation. I find it calming and grounding.
Love this quality product, safe and effective, I’m 4weeks in and sleeping well and feel calm, also helps with pain and inflamation with oral and most of all topically onto sour areas, its a game changer, try it for your self, you won’t regret it, oh and its very affordable, in my case at 3-4 drops twice daily = $5 / week approx. Thanks Canna oils
“I started taking Canna oil about four weeks ago to help with General health and anxiety and it has started to work wonders for me. I highly recommend this product to anybody. Thanks Dan”
Great product with immediate effects with oral and topical use, great for calming the mind which helps everything, sleep especially,, thanks again, Peter.
I was recommended Canna oils by my GP for stress and anxiety. I also had some muscle tension and aches and pains. After taking the oil nightly for about a week my symptoms drastically reduced. It also helps you get a great nights sleep. I highly recommend this product. Julie and her husband are lovely to chat to and are very knowledgeable.
This product is amazing! I have had trouble sleeping, waking up at 3:00am every night and not being able to go back to sleep. Since taking Canna-Oils Ultra my sleep has improved greatly and if i wake up, i can go straight back to sleep. A great product and a great Aussie Company.
I’ve been using Canna Oils for several weeks now ( originally commenced this for my migraines) but have not only seen relief with my almost daily migraines (to now none at all), but also relief with inflammation in several parts of my body that were inflammed. It definitely works and I am also having a great night sleep and improved mood. I’ve now set up for an auto bi-monthly, as I don’t ever want to run out! I highly recommend this product for migraines, anxiety and depression, inflammation and improved sleep.
Amazing, after having a nightmare reaction to my p***r injection I was left with constant chest pain and was unable to eat barely anything without ending up in ridiculous amounts of pain, after a week of using this amazing product my pains have 99% gone, I have not been sick in 2 weeks and have not had any pains, I also suffered from bad knees and wrist and have not had one ounce of pain, I walked 5km the other day something I havn’t been able to do in 6 months with no issues, and now sleep like a baby every night, thank u so much guys ur product has changed my life xo
Great product . Definitely works
I just want to thank u for ur amazing product , after 6 months of chest pain after having my pf***r injection and being left in extreme pain after eating 80% of the time , I can honestly say since using ur product my pains have gone and I have not been sick once this was pretty much instant after the 2nd dose, and as well my knees I have alot of pain with and my rsi are all no longer hurting and I’m sleeping like a baby after only a week of use , thank u so so much again.
Super happy with oil seems to be helping with my nerve pain. When i ran out of oil I noticed the pain creeping back got more oil and seemed to calm down. Can highly recommend this product.
I have recently started using Canna Oils for anxiety, PTSD,gastric distress and horrid nerve pain. After a few days of commencing I noticed i was not getting the nerve pain in my foot as bad. By the second bottle of the oil the nerve pain is nearly gone just a lingering reminder but no where near as much pain as I was in.The other issues I face daily are Ok but no real difference. Can throughly recommend the oil for inflammation associated with my nerve pain.
I use canna oil Ultra. I have the highest grade brain cancer. It helps my head pain every day. Can’t recommend it enough
I sleep so much better now I take this product has also helped with the frequency of headaches and migraine without taking nasty pills. So far so good will definitely be ordering more.
I was taking Canna-Oils for about 8 months and drastically noticed an improvement in my insomnia and anxiety. I didn’t take it every night and still noticed a massive difference. I accidentally smashed my bottle and didn’t replace it for the past 6 weeks and I’ve gone down hill with my sleep and stress levels. I’ve just ordered another bottle and I’m so excited to get my life back on track. I’ll never leave it til I have none left again!
I have only just discovered Canna Oils & so far so good. Already my mood has improved & I am sleeping so much better.
I’ve been suffering severe nerve pain this product has helped me immensely I am so grateful I can recommend this product to anyone in Pain or even stress and sleep.
Have only been taking for 2 weeks and so far it’s been pretty good. I think it’s too soon to know exactly how it’s working for me due to having very chronic conditions that involves chronic pain. When I first started taking canna oil it felt that it was healing the pain. I think I have gone into a deeper level of healing so will need to revisit in another 2 weeks time. I would definitely recommend.
This oil is really great for pain and getting better sleep and the service form the company is really great also as I have experienced fast delivery.
I’ve been taking Canna-Oil for about 2 years now and it helps me immensely with anxiety and stress as well as sleeping. But it blew my mind when I used it currently on a very nasty steam burn. I had a big burn on the inside of my left arm which was extremely sore, skin peeling off and oozing. I started putting some drops on at night and in less then two days it completely dried up and the skin is re-growing without leaving any scars. It also worked wonders on my cold sore. I truly love this product.
Canna-Oils has helped me so much, with anxiety and helping me get to sleep. I take it everyday and I can’t live without it now!
I have long suffered with anxiety but this product has been fantastic in lowering my stress and anxiety levels. Definitely recommend.
This has very quickly become my favourite go-to health product for multiple reasons. I’ve found it to be extremely effective for my ability to focus, general sense of calm and stillness, recovery after sports and exercise, sleep as well as my overall gut health. The people behind the product seem very sincere and genuine I’ve found their customer service to be absolutely exceptional and I would happily recommended this to anyone I know.
I have been using Canna oils for about a month. After about 4 days I noticed my sleep and anxiety levels improve dramatically, along with that my energy levels and brain function increased. Highly recommended!
I have had terrible sleep for years and wanted a natural non-pharma product. I am usually cynical of oils, however, since taking the Canna Oil I have had increased sleep, more consistent, and better quality. I am really impressed and will be an advocate as well as a customer
Canna Oils “Ultra” is a great stuff. I had suffered knee pain for months and it was quite an effort walking from the car park to the shopping mall. Saw a lady standing at a market stall at the Entrance NSW doing a promotion. Bought a 15ml bottle. Rubbed a small drop on the back of my knee before going to bed that night. Woke up next morning after a long sleep with my knee feeling so much easier. Will order another bottle. Thanks heaps!
Great product!! Has made a huge difference to knee and back pain as well as sleep quality. Have been using for around 10 months now and wouldn’t be without it!
I have been taking Canna Oil for about a year and my sleep has improved out of sight and my anxiety levels have dipped way down to zero. I really believe in this product.
Great for osteoarthritis and general well-being. My bones tell me when I’ve forgotten to take it!
After my first 2 doses of Canna-oil I woke the next day after a peaceful night, with hardly any pain. I have tried virtually everything in the last few weeks and nothing has even touched the sides! I’m so thrilled to have been recommended this product by a friend and would also recommend to anyone. Thank you!
“My first purchase was made while on holiday in Nelson Bay at the markets and i have been getting the Ultra 30ml bottles delivered ever since. Great product that helps immensely with sleep and also helps manage pain from osteoarthritis in both hips. Highly recommend.” |
I accidentally spilt a drop of my Canna Oil – Ultra while I was taking my nightly drops, on a little sore on my hand, I rubbed it in, and am amazed at how quickly and well it is healing now. Love my Canna Oil – Ultra.
great for over health and well being…. easy to order …. fast delivery….. good sales…
I take the canna oil ultra. this had been helping me with my pain levels and also giving me a peaceful sleep
It has helped my Depression and Anxiety. Also my sleeping has improved.
In a nutshell, this has been an absolute game changer for myself, and my young son with ASD! I have Rheumatoid Arthritis/PTSD/Insomnia/Anxiety and was taking pain killers and valium daily. Five weeks ago I started the Blend and now take the Ultra, I haven’t touch nor needed valium, and I think I have had Panadol three times. I have spent years a shell of myself and my Husband says it is so noticeable from his point of view just how much more relaxed and myself I am again. I have been giving my son a drop morning and night and he too is so calm, he is no longer having outbursts and is so much more happier, and he says it helps him “think” better. My brain fog is gone, my sleep is amazing, my anxiety is gone and I just feel ‘normal’. The customer service was amazing and I can’t thank Julie and Chris enough for taking the time to speak to me on the phone and answer my many questions. I am highly recommending this to everyone I know with painful Autoimmune Disease or PTSD ❤️
I use 6 drops at night & since using this amount, I have been sleeping better.
I felt calmer, and believe it helped me get back to sleep.
They were very helpful and really listened to you and very willing to help.
I have been using canna-oil for about 4 weeks, since I started using it, morning and night my sleep has improved by 80%, I also had chronic pain to both my shoulders restricting my exercise and have now been pain free for the last few weeks, feeling great 😊
Have suffered insomnia/sleep anxiety (fear of not falling asleep) for over ten years !
Tried to change sleeping routine and frequently used prescribed and over-the-counter drugs.
I was constantly getting only 2-4 hours sleep and even at times staying awake until sunrise.
Been using Canna-Oil since this January and I have not missed a proper night’s sleep.
It allows me to lay in bed and simply doze off just as I should.
What’s more, my sleep is unbroken and I awake with no nasty after-effects.
Extremely grateful for this product and highly recommend those with any sort of sleeping problem to give it a try
The customer service and openness of the business is extremely attractive! I met them at a market in the midst of transitioning from strong medications onto CBD oil, I was drawn to a cheaper option, although it was difficult for me to stick with the oil as I simply couldn’t stomach the taste (personal preference). I began to put a drop in my working dog’s supplements to assist with his restlessness and anxiety, and I noticed a difference instantly. And it’s cheaper than CBD 😄 thank you Canna Oils 🙂
Great product and very prompt delivery. Everything I could have asked for and more !
Can’t believe how this has reduced my anxiety levels and my ASD son’s anxiety and aggression have also diminished
Thanks for the great service
I sleep better, feeling more energetic and happy. I don’t have as much pain in my body from arthritis.
Pain free!
Excellent product!!
No side effects.
Great stuff !!
This product is the best I have a spinal injury and it has help with sleep pain the best
Since taking 4 drops of canna oil a night I’m finding that I’m very calm. I was taking prescription medication for anxiety for years. I have now halved it and intend to cut it out completely under dr supervision.
I’m a chronic pain sufferer in the oil seems to help me sleep better and I do get some pain relief
It helps immensely with my sleep & inflammation to my joints. Highly recommend it.
I had been using the Canna ultra for just over 2 months and found it great for pain, sleeping and all round balanced my anxiety.
I decided to try the Blend and seem to be having even better results and I can run it straight on those aches. Remember though a little does go a long way. Love it ❤️❤️
Well I purchased the qromg canna oils this time. I got the one with hemp seed oil. Don’t know how it going at present. Will keep you posted
The Canna oil is certainly my life a lot more comfortable. Very grateful
Been using this Canna Oils Ultra for more than a year now and still surprising me with its wonders!
My wife broke her leg very severely a few years ago and was suffering with a lot of pain and arthritis she has only been on the oil for a week but can feel an improvement in herself very happy with purchase
Me & my 4 friends bought the Canna Oil Ultra for the first time & we all absolutely love it & are now purchasing more. For me personally it has helped me sleep better as prior I always took hours to sleep & I also feel so relaxed & calm during the day. Love this product!
I used this product when I was in a particularly bad depressed state of
mind and was surprised to find the Canna Oil boosted my mood faster and
better than the medication I am prescribed. I would highly recommend
this product to anyone and everyone how is suffering from a low mood,
lack of energy and focus or even just feel drained
I have been continuously purchasing Canna Oils without any hesitation due to its efficacy! Please keep up the excellent quality of your products!
I find it keeps me mentally focused and a much deeper sleep.
I’d like to just say this oil is AMAZING however I’d like to tell you ‘why!’I am 45, a mother of 4 with a hectic lifestyle and a 2 year old on board lol! I have suffered back pain since I was 14 due to scoliosis and other spinal/pelvis conditions and after a serious car accident when I was 18 the pain became almost unbearable each and every day of my life since. Now at 45, I have fibromyalgia, sacrolitis/ inflammation and extensive spinal/disc problems, pelvis issues, reactive arthritis and every day is a struggle. I do not sleep well due to these conditions and I also have restless legs, I wake almost every hour. Sometimes, my energy levels are next to none and I have stresses beyond imaginable most days due to my family demands.I met Julie and Chris at the markets and bought their oil in 2020. At first I was quite inconsistent in taking it until I realised the difference it was making. I was having good days, something I’d never felt before then suddenly I realised it was because I was taking the oil. I felt the difference on these days id forget to take my drops!!I have unfortunately been taking opioid medication for many years which sometimes does not even do the job it should. I have noticed so many positives since taking canna oil. My energy increases, sleep is better, stress seems to elevate. My pain is much better. I also have a condition called vestibular migraine and benign proximal vertigo which causes balance issues, dizzies and a general feeling of brain fog. The oil works amazing for this. I feel more alert and energetic. I also have a son, 17, who has severe PTSD and trauma issues from a work accident, he also has ASD and he is taking the oil aswell. Then there is my Dad, well he too had a horrific work accident and has lived with pain for 9 years now after severing his arm and has back problems as bad as myself! He also has diabetes and high blood pressure. I gave him some oil and after 3 days he was like a new man. He had no energy and spent most days on the lounge, now my dad is a real aussie blokey bloke and quite the sceptic. On the 3rd day he was walking up a hill, something he has tried to do before but couldnt for many reasons. He has noticed a difference in his overall health and wellbeing since taking the oil and also his pain score has decreased when in the past nothing made a difference to him.I strongly recommend this product and honestly you would never find more beautiful people than Julie and Chris. They won’t just sell you the oil, they want to be a part of your journey too and offer their support so willingly if you need it.Sometimes when the stresses of life are too much to bear, I’ll take an extra 2 drops and I feel almost instantly calmer. I have tested this theory by taking the oil and then stopping and all I can say is I will NOT be stopping it anymore as the results are evident to me that this is liquid gold and it works in so many different areas. I am a classic case of the ‘too hard basket’ for medical doctors to treat without offering opioid medications as a bandaid fix so I now look forward to eliminating these horrible drugs from my life and replacing it with canna oil. Just try it, I say! What do you have to loose?
I have had 4 different cancers in the last 3 years all treated with surgery and radiation. I also have a chronic issue with my ankle where i have cortisone every 4 months just to walk, and permanently am in a brace, I have copious amounts of opioids daily, waiting for my ankle to be permanently frozen. I recently had another diagnosis and looks like my nose may be removed for a second time and more radiation. so anxiety right now is a bit over the edge. I have tried just about everything. My husband was chatting to these guys about fishing while I was scouting some seriously good olives when I can back and started talking to Julie. I thought why not I have nothing to loose. I take 4 drops in the morning and 6 at night. I am surprised how different I feel I was very skeptical. I sleep so much better and dont move around as much, my nausea is not as bad and it helps when I am anxious, which at the moment is my life, I have also been able to lower my OxyContin tablets to just about zero. I feel more energetic and more lively. Hubby’s response was when I use it I am more Chirpy, up beat not as stressed. I highly recommend anyone giving it a try, it worked for me in ways I never ever expected. So thank you to you and your hubby for striking up a conversation with mine about fishing that one moment in time has been a game changer, better than catching a big dewy. We have finally found something that works xx
Amazing !! Amazing highly recommend and great people selling it aswell good work guys
this product first came into my life a few months ago, and it has been nothing short of amazing! the inflammation in which I used to suffer has subsided and with it a lot of the anxiety it caused! It’s been a huge part of my health journey and I encourage anyone who’s curious to give it a try!
I have been suffering with Bursitis in my hip and leg for many years and had many cortisone injections.I started taking Canna oil 3 weeks ago and it has really helped, I haven’t taken any strong medication since I started it. Now I don’t take any medication at all and I can lie on my side which I haven’t been able to do I would recommend you give it a try.
I find it is working great with my back and nerve pain .. in 3 three weeks I am feeling great .. Carol
My brother has cancer and finds the oil helps with pain relief.
Canna-oils works well for me replacing my need for regular painkillers. It brings my anxiety level down naturally.
Canna oil has helped my aches and pains, but it hasn’t helped with my sleep as yet, definitely will keep it up though
HI we have been using BCP oil it’s very good and effective. Varied a bit between Nev & I, Nev used it on his shoulder & his hip. He took 4 to 6 drops of a night and it helped me sleep through the night on most nights. Bev had an injured finger which after three weeks she could not touch. She applied the Canna oil and Avo oil mix overnight and the next day she could touch it. We have found that on new injuries you have to use it often but on old injuries it lasts much longer. The thing which surprised us was how fast it works.
Been using Canna for 1 month, prior to use, i have regular headaches twice per week. Since used, never had a moment, really amazing! Thank you! Looking forward to experience more of these wonders!
I brought this for my fad as he was having anxiety attacks every second day he has been using this for two weeks now and hasn’t had an attack at all sounds better when talking to and a lot less worried
We have been using Canna-Oil for about 6 weeks now & the pain from
arthritis has greatly reduced & I am sleeping much better.
I have had shocking knee pain for ages and was told by doctor that I need a knee replacement, I bought a bottle of canna oil and now I barley get any pain at all!
It is amazing!!
Purchased the “Ultra” to see if it would help with my arthritis. Not much changed with my arthritis, however my mind seems so much clearer and i am no longer in a “fog” like i once was. Will keep taking just for that change alone.
Unfortunately I can’t remember the couples name who sold this amazing product at the Entrance market but they were so knowledgeable, honest, humble and genuine! In no way were they pushy about selling their product and that’s what made the whole experience extra great. My boyfriend and I bought a few bottles and we can honestly say that we felt calming affects almost instantly. My boyfriend suffers with anxiety and it seemed to work perfectly to keep us both at a consistent calm mellow level. It has also been helping me sleep! Usually I toss and turn for about 40 minutes before I can fall asleep but since having the oil I fall into a deep sleep almost instantly. My boyfriend and I are so grateful and thankful!
This oil helps my dog tremendously with his general anxiety and social anxiety.
He is a calmer and happier dog when having a few drops of oil with food each day.
amazing my 9 year old has been on this for 1 week for ADHD and anxiety and what an amazing change in just 1 week.
My husband sleeps better more rhythmic and not snoring. For me I am not sure the first time I felt more relaxed second awake all night. Going to give it a better try again.
I bought this product for my 84 year old mother and it has helped ease her back pain and is helping her to sleep better.
It’s early days in terms of use but at this stage I have found it to be great . I have a problem of staying asleep, often waking in the very early hours of the morning ie 2-3am . Whilst I still wake up at this time I find falling back to sleep easy and I’m not laying there wide eyed and tossing/turning . I also have 2 bulging discs and feel it is good in managing the associated pain . I bought more oil on the weekend from our local markets and the couple were just so lovely , friendly and knowledgeable and gave an extra 5ml bottle free on top of what I had already purchased . Thank you again
Does the trick. Helps with sleep and osteoarthritis hip pain
Seems a promising product , We managed to sale few in just first week of Demonstration organized by the supplier for our Health food outlet. Thanks
I’ve been taking Canna oils for over three months now, I don’t have any pain in my lower back, not that it was bad, but it was a niggling pain which was always there when working around the house, now it has gone completely and the sore knees. Lately I’ve been getting out of bed at daylight and with a lot more energy looking forward to the day ahead. I feel a lot more positive about the day ahead and don’t even feel tired, what a life.
I have been suffering with Insomnia for the past 3 years and have tried all types of treatments and medications. I was sceptical about trying Canna-oils but have been happily surprised, from the first night I have found I fall asleep quickly and get a deeper sleep, waking up feeling brighter than I have in a long time.
My bulging disc 24/7 pain has subsided by about 30%. I have had 5 people wanting to know about the oil & all have now purchased. I know it does not work for everyone but it has for me.
before I got the oil I felt sluggish as I have stage 4 lung cancer, now I have 4 drops of a morning and 6 at night I have more energy to early to tell yet if it has done anything to the cancer as I am on my 3rd treatment due to have test soon will update you
My husband and mum have been taking canna oil for about one month now, firstly my husband and mum before taking it found it very hard to sleep since taking it they now sleep through the night it’s been a life saver for both of them highly recommend canna oil to anyone.
I should have started this sooner .I wasted a week by being sceptical My well being has changed for the better in just a few weeks I have less pain sleep better less anxious.My husband says he has definitely seen more changes in me.I will review again in a couple of months to give a progress update.
Canna Oils ultra is amazing. I have been a long time sufferer of Sacroiliitis (inflammation pain of the Sacroiliac joints between my pelvis and spine) and nagging neck pain that results in tension headaches. A couple of drops of ultra under my tongue provides me with around 80% pain relief for quite few hours. My only very minor issue is the oil has a strong clove like flavour and leaves an aftertaste, but considering the pain relief benefit it provides it is well worth it. Tip for anyone who doesn’t like the aftertaste, have a tictac or breath mint after using the oil.
Amazing no words just try it. Under the tongue or on a sore arthritic joint it works a treat. Stop procrastinating grab some and give it a go, you won’t regret it
I started taking canna-oils during a severe crohns flare up last October. I was drinking celery juice and doing a mono cleanse as advised by medical medium. I was slowly getting better but having good and not so good days. I tried canna-oils and that same day started feeling much better and have felt great ever since! I am sleeping better, less anxious and really notice the difference when I dont have it. definitely recommend it
I used to have extreme pain in my left hip due to bursitis. I saw Canna-oil at a stall and thought what the heck, I was willing to give anything a go. (I cant keep taking strong painkillers). I tried it for about a month with 5 drops morning and night but didn’t feel any real difference so I upped it to 6 drops morning and night and within a week I noticed that the pain was completely gone. My hip still feels a bit tender every now and then but not so often. Thank goodness for this stuff because I was starting to get really desperate! If you have chronic pain give this a go and persevere with it.
I originally bough the oil to try on my daughter but decided to try it first myself. Having 2 ASD children is quite stressful and I have a stressful job. My anxiety is always at about an 8/10 due to this and PTSD. After only using the oil a few days I noticed a dramatic reduction in my stress levels. The stress in my life is all still there but instead of it feeling like a 8-9/10 all the time it now feels like a 4-5. This is so much more manageable and such a relief. I feel like I can now cope better and recuperate a bit.
I had been researching CBD oil few months ago and was recently up in Port Stephens and stumbled across Canna Oil. I started using it immediately. It helps with my sleep tremendously well. I was using pharmaceuticals (melatonin by prescription) previously to help with sleep. Well, that is no longer required. I would like to see a larger size of the Ultra (if possible) or maybe an auto shipment arrangement. I live in Melbourne and there are no stockists here or markets nearby. Thank you guys, great product.
I have a hard time sometimes winding down and going to sleep, but this oil has helped me wind down, relax and have a good night sleep! Very thankful and will continue purchasing! 🙂
For me it’s wonderful I put 3 drops on before I get into bed and I sleep all night . Love it
I’ve seen it relax a woman with MS muscles so she can move freely I have seen my mum now walk without aids with her back problems I’ve seen it calm the anxious. Truly amazing.
I feel so much calmer and better within myself. Only 3 months and I wouldn’t miss a drop, ever.
Helped so incredibly much with my chronic pain! Instant relief! Can’t recommend enough!! Have also bought some for a friend with tics and they have also been loving it. Ordering again tonight! Super fast shipping too! Thankyou so so much! I’m truly a lifetime customer, just got to try the other blend now
I have had knee pain in both knees for over ten years being active in several sports and having the cartilage removed in my left knee, but after half an hour of taking my first dose of canna oil ultra I have been pain free and also sleeping longer and calmer, I would recommend it to anyone
Since taking Canna Oil Ultra about 4-5 months ago I have gone from taking Panadol Osteo from 3 times a day to once a day. plus I have cut down on Targin (slow release morphine) to only when I have done work in the garden etc. So about once a week. My doctor is pleased too. I am so blessed that my daughter told me about it. Only thing it does not help me with is sleep. Some other people I have recommended it to have had good nights sleep. I will not be stopping.
what can I say? It helps with a lot of different things.. right down to
anxiety, helping to feel calm in a stressful situation, being able to
fall in a deep sleep and wake up refreshed!!! What a God-send! This
product is Amazing!! I definitely recommend you try it for yourself!! I
dare you
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