Is BCP toxic??


We sometimes get asked, “Is BCP toxic ?”  So to put everyone’s mind a peace, below is some information from a study published in PubMed.

Is BCP toxic?

Beta Caryophyllene is a food additive that is found in food plants and has broad pharmacological potential. However, little toxicological information has been reported and its use is based on the fact that this bicyclic sesquiterpene is daily consumed as a plant food in much larger quantities than as a food additive. Thus, this study evaluated acute (14-day) and repeated-dose (28 days) oral Beta Caryophyllene toxicity in female Swiss mice analyzing changes in body weight, food intake, water intake, hematological and biochemical parameters, organ weight after necropsy, oxidative stress markers and histopathology of various tissues.

Acute (300 and 2000 mg/kg) and repeated-dose (300 and 2000 mg/kg) toxicity studies were performed according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guideline 423 and 407, respectively.

There was absence of adverse clinical signs and mortality in any animal subjected to acute and repeated-dose toxicity study. In addition, no significant changes in body weight, food and water intake, oxidative stress biomarkers, hematological and biochemical parameters were observed when compared to control group from single-dose and repeated-dose toxicity study. Therefore, the results of this study provide an understanding of the toxicity profile of Beta Caryophyllene which can be considered a compound with toxicity at doses higher than 2000 mg/kg body weight.

So what’s the main points here:
Firstly, we eat Beta Caryophyllene (BCP) pretty much every day.  BCP is found in 1000’s of edible plants, such as black pepper.

Secondly, each millilitre of Canna Oils BCP contains approximately 850-900mg and there is around 35 drops per mil.  So the doses they were administering to these mice in the study were extremely high.  So basically, if you are 80kg you would have to take 6720 drops of Canna Oils BCP  before it becomes toxic to your system!

Is BCP toxic?? » Is BCP toxic

So technically,  Canna Oils BCP can be taken in large doses without any harm, but of course, always listen to your body and stop taking if unsure. Also, any excess Beta Caryophyllene is stored in your liver and fatty tissues for later use.

If you are sensitive to supplements / medications (you normally know who you are), then mixing with a carrier oil could be the way for you.  Carrier oils such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil or avocado oil are great. Your carrier oil should be fat-soluble, which means the Beta Caryophyllene dissolves in it. Then the oil carries the Beta Caryophyllene into the proper tissues, so they’re more accessible by your body.  Or to keep it easy, try our Ultra Blend (it’s already mixed with Hemp Seed Oil for convenience). 

If applying topically, always test a small area first and again, mix with a carrier oil if needed.  This helps the Beta Caryophyllene spread further and of course if you have sensitive skin, diluting would be beneficial.

Have a wonderful week. 

Disclaimer:  The information in this post is for reference purposes only and not intended to constitute or replace professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified medical professional before making any changes to your diet, medications or lifestyle. The above information is for educational purposes only – not intended as medical advice.  Results vary person to person.

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