I recently discovered yet, another way to use Canna Oils BCP – via the navel!! Yes, the humble, very unassuming belly button could be the game changer you have been needing.
The belly button is an important reflexology point that connects all the major organs in the body. And in case you didn’t know, the belly button is near the centre of your abdomen and around your centre of gravity. It sits over your intestines and major lymph nodes and blood vessels, and is near your vagus nerve, which is responsible for rest and digest functions of your body.
Unlike the rest of your abdomen, there’s little to no muscle behind your navel, which makes it the perfect access point to your belly.
Belly stimulation also helps pump nutrients, toxins, waste, lymph and blood in the abdomen which helps your systems stay clear and flowing. It warms your abdomen which increases immune function, relaxes muscles and fascia which in turn calms and helps you breathe more deeply sending more oxygen to your body and brain.
The gastrointestinal tract also contains a whole heap of cannabinoid receptors which makes this method really well suited for Canna Oils BCP which supports and activates the endocannabinoid system.
Activating our endocannabinoid system means in turn supporting our central nervous system, neurological pathways and brain function, endocrine system and gastrointestinal system. It’s also key to pain management.
For women experiencing fertility, or hormonal challenges such as severe cramping, using the belly button as an application point can be extremely beneficial and provide fast acting relief. You could also mix in some other essentials oils such as Fennel, Marjoram, Ginger, Ice Blue or Ylang Ylang for PMS.

PLEASE NOTE: It’s really important that we dilute when using this approach as the skin in the belly button is very sensitive and delicate. Please always dilute unless you know your body and it’s responses very well, try coconut or hemp seed oil. When Chris tried it undiluted, he felt a burning sensation, but when I did, no burning at all – so as we all suspected, Chris is a bit “precious” – haha. But seriously, if needed, please dilute.
Give it a try and let us know if you noticed any benefit.
Sources: https://mygoodnessessentials.com.au/why-applying-essential-oils-to-your-belly-button-works-so-well/; https://naturalstresssolutions.com/2019/10/15/putting-cbd-oil-in-your-belly-button-is-it-the-new-craze/
Disclaimer: The information in this post is for reference purposes only and not intended to constitute or replace professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified medical professional before making any changes to your diet, medications or lifestyle. The above information is for educational purposes only – not intended as medical advice. Results vary person to person.