Wound healing

Discover the Healing Power of Beta-Caryophyllene

Today, I wanted to share with you another fascinating use of Beta Caryophyllene (BCP) – it has remarkable effects on wound healing – yep, not only is it great for pain and inflammation, but it can help that graze or bruise heal much quicker!!!

What is Beta-Caryophyllene?

First things first – BCP is a natural compound found in many herbs and spices, such as black pepper, clove, and rosemary. It’s known for its ability to interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) by binding to CB2 receptors. This interaction plays a crucial role in managing inflammation and pain.

BCP and Wound Healing: A Promising Connection

A study published in PLOS ONE back in December 2019, explored how BCP affects wound healing. Researchers discovered that applying BCP to skin wounds significantly enhanced the healing process. The treated wounds showed faster re-epithelialization, simply meaning the skin barrier was restored more quickly.

How Does It Work?

The study suggests that BCP promotes wound healing through multiple pathways:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: By activating CB2 receptors, BCP helps reduce inflammation, which is a critical factor in the healing process.
  • Cell Growth Promotion: BCP may encourage the growth of new skin cells, aiding in faster wound closure.
  • Antibacterial Properties: BCP exhibits natural antibacterial effects, which can help prevent infection and further support the healing process.

Incorporating BCP into Your Routine

At Canna Oils, we harness the power of BCP in our products to support your health naturally.

Our Bodease Balm, for instance, is designed for topical application, and is not just a great pain relief balm, but allows you to experience potential wound-healing benefits directly on your skin (not recommended for open wounds).  You can even use the Ultra or Ultra Blend oils topically in addition to your daily oral dose. 

I remember speaking with a lady that had a cement graze right along the front of her lower leg.  When I met her, she told me that she’d had the graze for some time, and it wasn’t healing.  So we applied some of the Ultra oil to the graze, she purchased a bottle – and off she went.  A few weeks later, she reported to me that by the time she arrived home (from the market), she could see white flakiness around the scab.  I can’t remember how long it took, but she was over the moon that it finally healed with NO SCARRING!!!  I’ve even had great feedback on burns!

Final Thoughts

While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of BCP’s benefits, this study highlights its potential as a “nasties” free alternative for wound healing. At Canna Oils we’re committed to bringing you natural products to help you live your best life NOW!

Your Health Matters!
For more information, click on the highlighted links above, and don’t forget to check out the Reviews tab.
As always, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.


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