Activities that support your Endocannabinoid System

Last week, we talked about additional ways in which we can support our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in conjunction with your Canna Oils Ultra and Ultra Blend .  

Quick revision:  Canna Oils Ultra and Ultra Blend consist of a phytocannabinoid or terpene known as beta caryophyllene (BCP) .  Phyto simply means that the BCP is extracted from the essential oils found in plants, in our case from the Clove plant (no cannabis needed here).  BCP is a direct binder of the CB2 receptors of the ECS.  The ECS is a complex signally system that is responsible for regulating most of the bodies functions, such as:

I’ve linked previous Blogs for you to check out in more detail.

Ok, let’s continue.  So you can see that supporting our ECS is a big deal and can be very influential in maintaining, as well as improving, our overall wellbeing.

Last week, we talked about including the correct ratio of essential fatty acids in our diets to help support our ECS.  Today, let’s look at ACTIVITIES that may boost the effectiveness of our ECS.

ECS Enhancing Activities included:

  • Massage
  • Human connection & socialising
  • Acupuncture
  • Ice Baths or cold showers
  • Osteopathic Manipulation (OMT)
  • Enjoyable exercise
  • And other relaxing activities that you love to do

It’s interesting to note, that while chronic stress can deplete your ECS, an efficient ECS can protect you from the harmful effects stress can have on our mental and physical wellbeing. So we should definitely try to include some of the above activities into our lives.

Whilst looking into the above activities, I discovered a few articles that talked about enjoyable exercise. 

In an 2020 article written by Dr. Dustin Sulak, he stated (emphasis mine):
” Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will keep your ECS well-tuned, but only if you enjoy it! Animal studies teach us that if you force yourself to exercise, your ECS will interpret the activity as stress, but freely choosing and enjoying the same activity can have the opposite effect of stress and actually increase endocannabinoid levels. Socializing can also be great for stress reduction and enhancing ECS function. Rats in social isolation produced less cannabinoid receptors, while social play and grooming behavior increased function of the ECS.”

So if an hour of cardio just makes you stress out, but you love briskly walking along your favourite bush trail – then scrap the cardio!!!  Or you may absolutely love the sweat of a good gym workout – then go for it.  Just make sure that you enjoy what you do – your ECS will love you back for it.

In conclusion, make time for the things and people that you love, it could actually save your life!!


Have you heard of BCP Oil? 
It’s a compound that activates the CB2 receptors of your Endocannabinoid System. 
Sounds interesting! 
Why not try Canna Oils Ultra or Ultra Blend?
It’s relief, calm and sleep in just one bottle!!

Disclaimer:  The information in this post is for reference purposes only and not intended to constitute or replace professional medical advice or personal research. Please consult a qualified medical professional before making any changes to your diet, medications or lifestyle. Effects are provided as a guide only.  Statements have not been evaluated by the TGA.

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